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Coffee, Startups and Innovation (on Wall Street)

February 19, 2020 at 8:15 am - 10:00 am

people listening to presentation

Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Would you like to learn more about entrepreneurship? 

What do 1MCNYC+BMCC Eship stand for…
• Presentations not pitches
• Connection not networking
• A culture for the community, by the community
• Radically and intentionally inclusive

The BMCC Small Business Entrepreneurship (BMCC Eship) program and CUNY invites you to participate in the monthly Coffee and Innovation

  • Hear challenges and successes of small business, ask questions and offer feedback to the founders.
  • Enjoy coffee and make connections with others who are interested in supporting local entrepreneurs.
  • Come early to get through building security (go to 3rd floor) and have a chance to chat with the organizers and attendees.
  • We will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. and are finished by 9:45. Come at 8:15 to network and grab some coffee
  • Sometimes the companies are services+tech+fashion+food+nonprofit+fitness+fintech+etc!
  • HOW we make it happen

Beginner business students, soon-to-be entrepreneurs are all welcome.
Open to the general public as well as students. Bring ID for access to building.

RSVP and Info:  https://www.1millioncups.com/nyc

1MilllionCups NYC
@Primary Coworking
26 Broadway, 3rd floor
New York, New York 10004
When: 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
Who: Any major, any BMCC/CUNY folks
** Always Free **

Thank you to our hosts at Kauffman Foundation, Primary Coworking, Gregorys Coffee, and community partners like BMCC Small Business/Entrepreneurship program, Queensboro Community College, Google and the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship.


February 19, 2020
8:15 am - 10:00 am
Events Categories:
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Primary Coworking
26 Broadway, 3rd floor
New York, New York 10007 United States


CUNY Categories
Open to
General Public