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Honors Program Networking and Information Session

November 18, 2020 at 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

teacher hugging student at podium during Honors Convocation

The BMCC Honors Program would like to invite you to an Honors information session, which promises to be an afternoon of networking, sharing with mentors, faculty, staff and other Honors students.

Please bring your experiences to share, questions, suggestions, and be prepared to have an enjoyable and productive afternoon.

Join us via Zoom: https://bmcc-cuny.zoom.us/j/6484138518?pwd=R2R2SHAxcGo5S2g5dmpTZ3RjWjZDUT09

Meeting ID: 648 413 8518
Passcode: 4b90eS

RSVP for this session by emailing Professor Joe Barker at jbarker@bmcc.cuny.edu.


November 18, 2020
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
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