Academic and Critical Reading


The ACR component of the Department of Academic Literacy and Linguistics provides developmental reading instruction to BMCC students who have taken but not yet passed the CUNY ACT Reading test. Students are placed in the appropriate level of ACR based upon their CUNY ACT Reading scores.
There are two levels:


There are currently 24 full-time ACR faculty members, 27 ACR adjuncts, and five full-time substitutes.


In a given semester, there are typically between 1,300 and 1,800 students registered in ACR courses at BMCC. Our students include both native English speakers and ESL students, and the classes include a wide range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. This diversity enriches both the college and classroom discussion.

The Reading Lab

The Reading Lab is dedicated to serving the needs of students enrolled in ACR courses. Located on the 5th floor (S510), the lab provides ACR students with convenient access to computers and the internet. The resources include educational software and websites with practice tests. The Lab also provides tutoring and other reading materials.

Academic Literacy and Linguistics Dept.

199 Chambers Street, Room N-499
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-1396

Hours of Operation:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m