BMCC Community,
In response to fall 2020 enrollment declines, BMCC is launching a Rapid Response Enrollment Management Taskforce that will be chaired by President Munroe. This is a solutions-based committee of individuals directly responsible for aspects of the student enrollment process that will act quickly to improve the enrollment management process. Upon completion of its work, the College will launch a strategic enrollment management committee guided by a strategic enrollment management plan. The overall goal of this taskforce is to thoroughly examine the enrollment management process – from recruitment and pre-enrollment through attendance, and to intentionally redesign, where necessary, all aspects of the process to ensure appropriate communication with students, effective and efficient cross-departmental work, reduced burdens on students, faculty, and staff, and student service and support that reflects the College’s mission, vision, and values.
To that end, the taskforce is charged with answering the following questions:
- What factors contributed to more than 4,200 potential and continuing students being advised but not registered for fall 2020? What policies and practices need to be addressed and changed to ensure that this situation never repeats itself?
- We know that there are more than 20 separate steps that students must go through to register for classes. How many of these steps are necessary and how many can be eliminated or combined? What steps need to be taken at BMCC to reduce the steps and simplify the process?
- What would an ideal admissions, advisement, and registration process look like at BMCC? Consider the following:
- What would be the policies and procedures?
- What would be the organizational structure?
- How long would the process take?
- How can it be optimized for face-to-face and at a distance?
- How can the College utilize EAB Navigate to improve the admissions, advisement, and registration process for both new and continuing students? What changes need to be made at BMCC to fully leverage this tool for an enhanced student registration experience? How can we use EAB Navigate and other technology platforms (Starfish, DegreeWorks) to track students towards completion?
- What needs to change to ensure the courses students need to complete are available on the schedule, when they need them and in the modality best suited for the student?
- How do we ensure that new students are assigned mentors and success coaches in their first semester?
- What needs to happen to require mandatory tutoring for all first semester students?
- What needs to happen so that we can fully implement and leverage our early alert system(s)?
The taskforce will have multiple committees to address these charge questions, but the steering committee will consist of:
Anthony E. Munroe (Chair) – President
Mohammad Alam – Registrar (Enrollment Management Director)
Joel Barker – Professor (Accounting)
Tzu-Wen (Vincent) Cheng – Chairperson (Speech, Communication, and Theatre Arts)
Marva Craig – Vice-President (Student Affairs)
Sara Crosby – Director (BMCC Learning Academy)
Lisa Kasper – Director (Admissions and Outreach)
Mahatapa Palit – Chairperson (Business Management)
Michelle Ronda – Associate Professor (Criminal Justice)
Carei Thomas – Director (Academic Advisement and Transfer Center)
Diane Walleser – Vice-President (Enrollment Management)
Erwin Wong – Acting Provost and Senior Vice President (Academic Affairs)
Member(s) At Large to be elected by Faculty Senate
Christopher Shults (Ex-Officio) – Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Strategic Planning
Anthony E. Munroe
President, Borough of Manhattan Community College