The President’s Fund for Excellence and Innovation (the “Fund”) has been established through the generous contribution of philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, in recognition and support of the exceptional mission and success of BMCC.
This proposal process acknowledges the importance of reaching out to the BMCC community for expertise in identifying innovative projects, initiatives, and programming that advance the College’s mission and promote retention and student success. The number of projects funded through this process, and the number and amount of the awards will vary from year to year based on factors including which project(s) best fit the stated criteria, and available funds. For the 2021-22 Academic Year, the College anticipates making several awards for work that is to be completed within two-years of the award. The Fund will support appropriate staff salaries, faculty reassigned time, faculty summer salary, travel, consultant fees, supplies, and equipment. The program will not support construction, renovation, or remodeling of any facilities. Please note that selection of a proposed project does not assure the grant of any anticipated release time.
How It Works
To qualify for funding consideration, all prospective applicants must complete a simple, two-step process.