President’s Message to the BMCC Community
On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers were demolished in a terrorist attack. BMCC is an integral part of that history – both on that day and in the days and years that followed. Our dedicated faculty, staff and students were there and helped BMCC and NYC rebuild and return.
While it is common knowledge that first responders were covered for their illnesses resulting from exposure to the toxic dust associated with 9/11, many who lived, worked, or attended schools in the exposure area were and still are unaware that they too may be entitled to the same healthcare benefits and compensation.
BMCC is, therefore, addressing this issue of concern to our faculty, staff and student alumni who were present either on 9/11 or during the two semesters that followed (fall 2001 and/or spring 2002).
Even if you have not experienced a 9/11 recognized illness, if you were present at BMCC during the fall 2001 and/or spring 2002 semesters, it is imperative that you take the time to document your proof of presence in the exposure area. With the passage of time, it will become increasingly difficult to find records and witnesses, and provide the necessary affidavits to establish your claim.
The Document Your Proof of Presence page includes helpful tips for preserving or establishing your claim. Where BMCC is able to do so, it will provide available documentation and appropriate statements that can be used to support potential claims. (Please note this is not legal advice, and you should consult a lawyer and/or an advisor of your choice).
Thanks to our dedicated staff, faculty and students, BMCC was able to demonstrate our resilience and continue to serve our students and community. Your service and dedication are appreciated.
President Anthony Munroe