Program Coordinators:
- For information about Health Information Technology (HIT) courses, contact Professor Lynda Carlson at lcarlson@bmcc.cuny.edu
- For information about Computer Information Science (CIS) courses, contact Professor Mete Kok amkok@bmcc.cuny.edu
The Health Informatics Certificate Program will teach you to use manual and computerized health information systems that collect data for analyzation, interpretation and dissemination to physicians, patients, public/private agencies, and other health care facilities. A few examples of health informatics include patient portals, electronic medical records (EMRs), telehealth, healthcare apps, and a variety of data reporting tools.Upon successful completion of the program requirements, you will receive a certificate in Health Informatics.
Explore Careers
BMCC is committed to students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with an advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.
These suggested careers may require bachelor's or higher degrees.
Make an appointment at the Academic Advisement and Transfer Center.
Health Informatics Certificate Curriculum
- This course is an introduction to the concepts and organization of operating systems and the management of hardware and software resources of a computer. Emphasis is placed on memory, process, device and file management as well as operating system utilities. The students will be provided with basic working knowledge of computer operating system commands, functions, and management approaches in a variety of operating system environments utilizing both Graphical User Interface (GUI) and command line environments. Prerequisite: CSC 101 or departmental approval
- This course is an introductory course in telecommunications networks. It covers the fundamentals of networking concepts, such as networking media, topology, switching, and management. It will also include an introduction to Open System Interface (OSI) layered organization and the functionality of each layer.
Prerequisite: CSC 110 or CIS 165 or CSC 111 or Departmental Permission
Course Syllabus - This course introduces the design, implementation, testing, and manipulation of database management systems. The design techniques include conceptual data modeling, entity relational modeling and normalization techniques. The databases are then implemented using structured query languages. Testing strategies verify data integrity, security, and privacy. Manipulation activities include insert, update, and delete operations.
Prerequisite: CSC 110 or CSC 111 or department approval.
Course Syllabus - This course introduces the student to the principles and theories of computation and information processing. The topics include hardware and software organization, data representation, algorithm development and networking principles. Special emphasis will be placed on creation of knowledge from data; the impact of computation on daily life; role of abstraction in solving problems; and implementation of algorithms on a variety of platforms including the Internet.
- This course introduces the student to the theoretical and practical aspects of computers. The major laboratory experience is the completion of programming projects using Polya's four-step method. These projects have been carefully selected and ordered to provide the student with experience in fundamental control and data structures. All practical programming work is done on microcomputers.
Prerequisite: CSC 101, GIS 101 or Departmental Approval
Course Syllabus - This course introduces students to medical terms and abbreviations associated with each body system and applicable diseases as well as associated diagnostic and therapeutic tests. Students are also introduced to the anatomy and physiology for each body system and pharmacology options for treatment of diseases including name and category of medication and method of delivery. The correlation between medical terms, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and medical coding is also covered.
Corequisites: HIT 111, HIT 112, BIO 425, and MAT 150 - This course introduces students to the variety of functions and credentials associated with the health information management (HIM) profession. Students are also introduced to the legal requirements regarding documentation based on type of facility, health information technologies specific to the profession, and organizations that provide data that influences health care services.
Corequisites: HIT 110, HIT 112, BIO 425 and MAT 150 - Students will learn to apply the diagnostic and procedural coding guidelines for the current ICD-CM/PCS coding systems. Students will review inpatient charts and assign the appropriate codes for diagnoses and procedures, enter the codes into an Encoder, and assign a diagnostic related group (DRG). Students will also complete coding exercises covering specific diseases (e.g., AIDS, Neoplasms) and procedures to learn applicable coding guidelines.
Prerequisites: HIT 110, HIT 111, and HIT 112
Corequisites: HIT 206, HIT 215, CIS 100, and BIO 426 - This course covers all federal and state laws (e.g., HIPAA) that are applicable to the HIM profession. It will also cover the legal principles applicable to malpractice, New York State statutes, different types and completeness of consent forms requirements, legally acceptable release of confidential medical information including special situations (e.g., mental, drug dependence or AIDS diagnoses), and legal terms utilized within the profession.
Prerequisites: HIT 110, HIT 111 and HIT 112
Corequisites: HIT 206, HIT 209, CIS 100 and BIO 426
- This course teaches the student how to analyze systems of programs and how to document these analyses. The student will learn case (computer assisted systems engineering) tools that are currently used in the field of systems analysis. Students are required to complete a semester project to analyze a complex computer system. This project will require the use of case tools to document the input and output requirements, data dictionaries, database design and normalization, ERD (entity relationship diagrams), DFD (data flow diagrams), systems flowcharts, run charts, and PERT (program evaluation review technique) charts.
Prerequisite: CSC 210
Course Syllabus - This course introduces students to client-side web programming. Emphasis is placed on structure, formatting and scripting of web pages as well as manipulation of media elements to solve elementary level application problems. A variety of client-based technologies are introduced to facilitate the understanding of design and programming concepts in a web environment. A final project consisting of the creation of an online application will be developed.
Prerequisite: CSC 110 or CSC 111 or department approval
Course Syllabus
Please note, these requirements are effective the 2021-2022 catalog year. Please check your DegreeWorks account for your specific degree requirements as when you began at BMCC will determine your program requirements.