Art Foundations: Studio Art (A.S.)

Program Coordinator: Professor Simon Carr,

The Department of Music and Art offers the Associate of Science (A.S.) degree program in Art Foundations – Studio Art. The Art Foundations program seeks to educate students in the fundamentals of studio practice and art historical scholarship. Progressing through a broad and rigorous curriculum that encompasses the basics of fine and applied arts and art history, students will be better prepared to enter a variety of majors in a four-year college and pursue occupations in the arts.

Explore Careers

BMCC is committed to  students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with an advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.

Transfer Options

BMCC has active articulation agreements for graduates with the A.A. in Art History and the A.S. in Studio Art with Queens College–CUNY. These agreements allow students to make a seamless transition to four year colleges, assured that the courses they have taken at BMCC will count towards their major.

These suggested careers may require bachelor's or higher degrees.

Make an appointment at the Academic Advisement and Transfer Center.

Related Communities

Arts & Humanities

Required Common Core

Flexible Core1

Curriculum Requirements

Choose 1 from the following:



Studio Art Program Concentration Electives Requirement (see below)1
Elective Art Requirement3

Studio Art Concentration Electives

Choose 6 credits from 1 of the following 5 areas of study

Digital Imaging

Digital Creative Studio
Photography II


Comic Art 1
Life Drawing Studio I
Comic Art 2



Photography II
Advanced Photography


Total Curriculum Requirements
Total Program Requirements


Please note, these requirements are effective the 2021-2022 catalog year. Please check your DegreeWorks account for your specific degree requirements as when you began at BMCC will determine your program requirements.


  1. No more than two courses in any discipline or interdisciplinary field can be used to satisfy Flexible Common Core requirements.
  2. Students are strongly advised to take ART 102: Art History Survey I and SPE 100/102 to satisfy this requirement.
  3. Choose 6 credits from ART 106, ART 113, ART 125, ART 126, ART 133, ART 174, ART 176, ART 183, ART 201, ART 203, ART 233, ART 237, ART 238, ART 251, ART 266, ART 269, ART 270, ART 274, ART 276, ART 283, ART 285, ART 290, ART 292, ART 293, ART 294, ART 295, ART 300, ART 303, ART 315, ART 335, ART 336, ART 337, ART 338, ART 366, ART 369, ART 374, ART 383, ART 420.

Music and Art Department

199 Chambers Street, Room F-1130A
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-1464

Office Hours:
9 a.m.-5 p.m