Human Services (A.S.)

Program Coordinator: Professor Lisa Rose,

The Human Services program will prepare you for a career that focuses on helping people solve their problems in order to live more satisfying lives. This includes preventing as well as solving health problems and other situations to improve the overall quality of life.

The Human Services program is both a career and an academic major. You will be prepared for meaningful employment in areas such as social services, community organizations, social justice advocacy, mental health counseling, re-entry programs, child welfare, case management, substance abuse counseling, patient/client navigation and more.

BMCC’s Human Services full-time faculty all have PhDs or DSWs in social work. They have vast experience in a wide variety of practice areas such as aging, hospital and health care social work, child welfare, forensic and re-entry social work, and domestic violence. They conduct research in those areas as well. There are often opportunities for students to participate as research assistants with faculty members.


As a Human Services major, you will do a two-semester internship in an agency where you will receive extensive supervision and training. Our faculty have developed placements in a variety of practice settings such as hospitals, senior centers, organizations that service developmentally disabled children and adults, immigrant advocacy programs. It is not unusual for a student to be hired in the agency where they have interned.

Students who have had previous working or volunteer experience in human services agency settings (approximately two years), can apply for Credit for Work/Volunteer experience, and if granted will receive credit for HUM 301 (Field Work I).

Explore Careers

BMCC is committed to  students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with an advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.

Transfer Options

BMCC has articulation agreements with several four year colleges, that will allow you to seamlessly continue your studies there. With an A.S. degree in Human Services, you will be prepared to apply for competitive Bachelor of Social Work Programs at Hunter, Lehman, Medgar Evers Colleges, Adelphi University, and Long Island College. You also have the option to transfer to NYCTech for a B.S. in Human Services. We are excited that BMCC’s Human Services Program is a member of the CUNY Justice Academy. Our students can transition, absolutely seamlessly, to John Jay College’s Human Services and Community Justice B.A. program.

These suggested careers may require bachelor's or higher degrees.

Make an appointment at the Academic Advisement and Transfer Center.

Related Communities

Government & Public ServiceHealth ProfessionsBehavioral & Social Sciences

Required Common Core

Flexible Core3

Curriculum Requirements








The Family
XXX xxx
Modern Language Course4
XXX xxx
General Elective
Total Curriculum Requirements
Total Program Requirements



Please note, these requirements are effective the 2019-2020 catalog year. Please check your DegreeWorks account for your specific degree requirements as when you began at BMCC will determine your program requirements.

  1. Consult with an advisor on which courses to take to satisfy these areas.
  2. These areas can be satisfied by taking a STEM variant.
  3. No more than two courses in any discipline or interdisciplinary field can be used to satisfy Flexible Core requirements.
  4. Students are required to take two semesters of the same Modern Foreign Language to graduate. One semester can be satisfied by taking a Modern Foreign Language in the World Cultures and Global Issues category in the Common Core. Please note: ITL 170 does not satisfy the Modern Foreign Language requirement.

Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice Department

199 Chambers Street, Room N-651
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-1210

Office Hours:
9 a.m.-5 p.m