Psychology (A.A.)

illustration of two human heads with gears coming out of the top

PSY General Track Program Coordinators: Professor Daniel DePaulo,; Professor David Calcedo,

PSY STEM Track Program Coordinator: Janice Walters,

The Social Science, Human Services and Criminal Justice Department offers a major in Psychology which will lead to an Associate in Arts degree. Psychology is the study of how people behave, think and feel. It includes learning about memory, reasoning, personality and mental health. There are many opportunities in this field from working as a counselor or case manager with children or adults to conducting market research in the business world. Schools hire school psychologists, businesses use organizational psychologists for career counseling and human resources, and forensic psychologists work in the criminal justice system. A psychology background is also good preparation for a career in teaching, law or medicine.

Extracurricular Activities

There is a Psychology Club, meeting on Wednesdays from 2-4 p.m. The Psychology Club provides a network and resource center for college transfer, career opportunities and extra-curricular activities as well as promoting diversity in the field.

Research Opportunities

Psychology professors are involved in a variety of research projects and there are opportunities for students to work with them and gain experience in this area.

Explore Careers

BMCC is committed to  students’ long-term success and will help you explore professional opportunities. Undecided? No problem. The college offers Career Coach for salary and employment information, job postings and a self-discovery assessment to help students find their academic and career paths. Visit Career Express to make an appointment with an advisor, search for jobs or sign-up for professional development activities with the Center for Career Development. Students can also visit the Office of Internships and Experiential Learning to gain real world experience in preparation for a four-year degree and beyond. These opportunities are available to help BMCC students build a foundation for future success.

Transfer Options

BMCC has articulation agreements with several four year colleges so that you can seamlessly continue your studies there.

These suggested careers may require bachelor's or higher degrees.

Make an appointment at the Academic Advisement and Transfer Center.

Related Communities

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)Government & Public ScienceHealth ProfessionsEducationBehavorial & Social Sciences

Accounting, Business & Economics

Required Common Core

Flexible Core2

Curriculum Requirements

PSY 240 Developmental Psychology 3
PSY 250 Child Psychology 3
PSY 230 Psychology of Personality 3
PSY 260 Abnormal Psychology 3
PSY 265 Research in Psychology 4

Choose 9 credits from the following:

SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology 3
ANT 100 Introduction to Anthropology 3
XXX xxx Liberal Arts Elective 3
XXX xxx General Electives 5
Total Curriculum Requirements 30
Total Program Requirements 60


  1. These credits can be satisfied by taking STEM variants in the Common Core.
  2. No more than two courses in any discipline or interdisciplinary field can be used to satisfy Flexible Core requirements.
  3. Students are strongly advised to take PSY 100.


Please note, these requirements are effective the 2019-2020 catalog year. Please check your DegreeWorks account for your specific degree requirements as when you began at BMCC will determine your program requirements.

Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice Department

199 Chambers Street, Room N-651
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-1210

Office Hours:
9 a.m.-5 p.m