BMCC encourages excellence in academic pursuits and community service by offering the following monetary awards and distinctions.
See each award for information about how to qualify.
Borough of Manhattan Community College Fund, Inc. Scholarships
A commemorative scholarship in honor of the late A. Alexander Morrisey, who was Director of Community Relations at BMCC, is awarded each year by the English Department for excellence in journalism.
The Billie Ehrenberg Award for general excellence in English is a commemorative award in honor of the late Billie Ehrenberg, assistant professor of the English Department.
The Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs places students with a semester Grade-Point Average of 3.3 or better on the Dean’s List. At the end of the semester, you must meet the following qualifications to be a recipient of this honor (no Dean’s List certificates are awarded for courses taken during the Summer Session):
- You must be matriculated.
- You must be registered in credit-bearing courses only
- Students registered in remedial courses are not eligible for Dean’s List.
- Full-time students must complete 12 or more credits in one semester with a passing grade for each course taken.
- Part-time students must complete 12 or more credits in two consecutive semesters with a passing grade for each course taken.
- Student’s receiving grades of INC, WA, WU, WN, or PEN are not eligible for Dean’s List.
The Dean of Academic Affairs presents this award to the full-time student graduating “With High Distinction” (the highest cumulative Grade-Point Average).
This award is presented by the Dean of Students to the student deemed to have outstanding citizenship and dedication to the College community.
The Black Faculty and Staff Association of BMCC, in honor of its past presidents, Dr. Aaron Benjamin (former member of the Modern Languages Department) and Dr. Ellsworth Janifer (former chairperson of the Music and Art Department), presents Commemorative Scholarship Awards to graduating students.
The awards are in the following categories:
- Ideals of Ellsworth Janifer/Aaron Benjamin, Academic Excellence
- Contribution to the College Community
- Contribution to the Black Community
The Josh Wolfson Accounting Scholarship is awarded annually to a full-time Accounting graduate from Borough of Manhattan Community College.
The scholarship, named in honor of professor Josh Wolfson of the Accounting department, is awarded in recognition of academic achievement and excellence in accounting.
A commemorative award in honor of Louis and Caroline Salit is presented for Excellence in French.
This commemorative award, in honor of Martin B. Dworkis, the first President of BMCC, is presented to the athlete with the highest cumulative Grade Point Average.
The President of the College presents this award to the full-time student who has exhibited qualities of leadership, academic excellence and popularity among the students and faculty.
The Roger B. Dooley Award for creative writing is a commemorative award in honor of the late Roger B. Dooley, the first chairperson and long-standing member of BMCC’s English Department.