In order to qualify for the program, students must have completed the 8th grade but not entered the 12th grade, be between the ages of 13 and 19, and have a need for academic support in order to pursue a program of postsecondary education.
All students must be either a potential first-generation college student, and/or a low-income individual, and/or have a high risk for academic failure.Students are invited to apply based on recommendations from local educators, guidance counselors, high school liaisons, or other interested parties. Students must also meet the program requirements as stated below:
Program Requirements
Students must . . .
- be a potential first-generation college student and/or come from a low-income family.
- be a citizen or national of the United States and/or meet the other status requirements.
- have a need for academic support as determined by Upward Bound.
- have completed the 8th grade but not entered into the 12th grade at the time of initial selection.
- be at least 13 years old but not older than 19 years of age.
- attend a target high school or reside in Manhattan.
- demonstrate a commitment to his/her education and future goals.
- submit the following documents with the application:
- recent transcript
- recent report card
- birth certificate (for U.S. citizens) or citizenship documentation (for non-U.S. citizens) and
- US Social Security Card.