Program Benefits

Academic Tutoring Workshops
Weekly academic tutoring and group review sessions are offered to high school students, with instruction in Regents English, Math and Science. Emphasis is on study strategies, time management, note taking, test taking, reading and listening skills.

Test Preparation
Weekly SAT/ACT workshops are provided to small groups of juniors and seniors in preparation for college entrance examinations with a focus on test taking methods and strategies.

Getting Ready for College

College Workshops
Road to College and Transition to College workshops prepare Juniors and seniors for the transition to college. During these workshops students receive assistance in completing college admissions applications including essays, educational opportunity programs, fee waivers, financial aid and scholarships.

College Tours
Students are invited to attend college tours.

College Major and Career Exposure
Students will learn about various college majors and career possibiilities. This will include job shadowing, mentoring and networking within the private sector and community organizations as well as with Upward Bound alumni.

Personal Growth

Cultural Experiences
Students participate in various city-wide events and activities including visits to galleries and museums, restaurants, camping retreats, historical tours, movies and Broadway shows. These cultural activities will enhance their readiness for college and career.

Financial Literacy
Students will learn the basics about budgeting their money, using a bank and credit cards. Guidance is provided in completing financial aid applications, federal student financial aid programs and resources for locating public and private scholarships;

Leadership and Community Service

Leadership Opportunities
The Upward Bound student council allows students to gain leadership skills and take ownership in the program. This creates a sense of civic responsibility and teaches students to become involved in their society and invest in their future.

Community Service
Students participate in volunteer activities with city-wide community based or non-profit organizations;

Upward Bound

70 Murray Street, Room 1206B
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 346-8458

Office Hours:
10 a.m.-6 p.m