Moving from Strategic to Operational Planning

Institutional Effectiveness Model

The BMCC 2020-2025 Strategic Plan has been intentionally designed to improve student learning and success and to advance equity by taking what works to scale. While student learning and educational outcomes are the driving institutional indicator of effectiveness, the plan was also created to ensure that BMCC continues to enhance its culture of care and ensure a community in which all members can thrive—students, faculty, and staff. And while the plan offers a roadmap through the presentation of priorities, goals, actions, and KPIs, additional steps are required to ensure it is successful.

BMCC relies on its institutional effectiveness model, which integrates planning, assessment, and resource allocation, to operationalize the strategic plan. Through annual assessments, academic program and unit reviews, budget alignment, and the new operational planning reports, the College has designed a process that connects the day-to-day operations, regular reporting, and planning efforts of academic programs and academic, educational, and student (AES) support units to the strategic plan. The operational planning process allows academic programs and AES units to identify the strategic goals, actions, and KPIs connected to their areas and provide yearly highlights on the work they do for students, faculty, and staff in support of achieving the mission, working towards realization of the vision, and in adherence to the institutional values. To aid the programs and units in determining how their work aligns with the strategic plan, Appendix F provides a divisional matrix.

Each year, BMCC produces a series of documents that assist in tracking institutional progress toward meeting the KPI targets and provide information for the academic programs and AES units to utilize as part of their evidence-based decision-making processes. These include:

These reports provide the majority of the metrics identified as KPIs. They also assist in the development of the annual BMCC Strategic Planning Update, which includes an institutional effectiveness (IE) scorecard. The IE scorecard is a table that measures progress made, indicator by indicator, toward reaching the identified targets. The remainder of the update includes narrative from academic programs and AES units regarding yearly activities, assessment results, highlights and recognition, and important findings. This annual update is supplemented by a comprehensive strategic planning website guided by digital storytelling that provides information on progress, student videos and stories, commentary from faculty and staff, and other pertinent information.