What’s in Your Future?
Academic & Career Communities provide guidance to students for exploring academic offerings that put you on a path toward a quality learning experience and a rewarding career. Students can explore any of the eight communities below to begin their journey.
Career Coach Assessment will help match your personal interests with possible careers.

Accounting, Business & Economics
- Accounting
- Accounting Certificate
- Accounting for Forensic Accounting
- Business Administration
- Business Management
- Digital Marketing
- Economics
- Financial Management
- Liberal Arts
- Psychology
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Spanish Translation for the Health, Legal and Business Professions Certificate

Arts & Humanities
- Animation and Motion Graphics
- Art Foundations: Art History Specialization
- Art Foundations: Studio Art Specialization
- Children and Youth Studies
- Ethnic Studies
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- History
- Liberal Arts
- Linguistics and Literacy
- Modern Languages: French Specialization
- Modern Languages: Italian Specialization
- Modern Languages: Spanish Specialization
- Multimedia Programming and Design
- Music: Education Specialization
- Music: Performance Specialization
- Music: Studies Specialization
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Theatre
- Video Arts and Technology
- Writing and Literature

Behavioral & Social Sciences
- Children and Youth Studies
- Criminal Justice
- Economics
- Ethnic Studies
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- Geographic Information Science
- Gerontology
- History
- Human Services
- Liberal Arts
- Linguistics and Literacy
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Sociology

Communications & Media
- Animation and Motion Graphics
- Communication Studies
- Digital Marketing
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- Liberal Arts
- Linguistics and Literacy
- Modern Languages: French Specialization
- Modern Languages: Italian Specialization
- Modern Languages: Spanish Specialization
- Multimedia Programming and Design
- Music: Performance Specialization
- Music: Studies Specialization
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- Theatre
- Video Arts and Technology
- Writing and Literature

- Bilingual Childhood Education
- Childhood Education
- Children and Youth Studies
- Community Health Education
- Child Care/Early Childhood Education: Infant and Toddler Specialization
- Child Care/Early Childhood Education: Pre-School Specialization
- Liberal Arts
- Linguistics and Literacy
- Mathematics and Sciences for Secondary Education
- Modern Languages: French Specialization
- Modern Languages: Italian Specialization
- Modern Languages: Spanish Specialization
- Music: Education Specialization
- Psychology
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- School Health Education
- Secondary Education in Social Studies
- Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Writing and Literature

Health Professions
- Community Health Education
- Ethnic Studies
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- Gerontology
- Health Informatics Certificate
- Health Information Technology
- Human Services
- Liberal Arts
- Modern Languages: French Specialization
- Modern Languages: Italian Specialization
- Modern Languages: Spanish Specialization
- Nursing
- Paramedic
- Psychology
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- Public Health
- Respiratory Therapy
- School Health Education
- Science for Health
- Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- Spanish Translation for the Health, Legal and Business Professions Certificate

Government & Public Service
- Accounting
- Accounting Certificate
- Accounting for Forensic Accounting
- Business Administration
- Business Management
- Children and Youth Studies
- Community Health Education
- Criminal Justice
- Economics
- Ethnic Studies
- Gender and Women’s Studies
- Gerontology
- Human Services
- Liberal Arts
- Modern Languages: French Specialization
- Modern Languages: Italian Specialization
- Modern Languages: Spanish Specialization
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- School Health Education
- Science for Forensics
- Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Sociology
- Spanish Translation for the Health, Legal and Business Professions Certificate
- Writing and Literature

Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)
- Animation and Motion Graphics
- Biotechnology Science
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Network Technology
- Computer Science
- Engineering Science
- Geographic Information Science
- Liberal Arts
- Mathematics
- Multimedia Programming and Design
- Psychology
- Public and Nonprofit Administration
- Science
- Science for Forensics
- Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Video Arts and Technology