College Discovery (CD) is a program that supports BMCC students so that they can achieve their goals in college and beyond. College Discovery works with BMCC students so they have the skills to do well in their classes, the financial help they may need, and personal and/or academic counseling.
Benefits include:
1. $800+ a year to Help with the Costs of College
2. Free One-On-One Tutoring
3. Free Professional Counseling
4. Transfer of benefits into senior colleges (CUNY, SUNY, & Private) increasing your stipend by $500 per semester at CUNY
Note: Students can only be accepted to College Discovery prior to their first semester as freshmen.
Join us for a Zoom Meeting on June 11 at 4 p.m. (Eastern Time)
RSVP for the information session to learn more about College Discovery.
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Password: 004418
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Meeting ID: 936 0086 6556
Password: 004418
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