Katherine Conway

Picture of Katherine Conway

Business Management

EMAIL: kconway@bmcc.cuny.edu

Office: F-730H

Office Hours:

Phone: +1 (212) 220-8213


Professor Conway is a native New Yorker, the daughter of immigrant parents and the first in her family to attend college. Prof. Conway has taught business courses at BMCC since 1996. After graduating from New York University (NYU) with a B.S. in Marketing, she worked in banking for more than a dozen years, and during that time she simultaneously earned her M.B.A. in Finance at NYU. After transitioning to an academic career at BMCC, she earned a Ph.D. in Administration, Leadership and Technology, also from NYU. An active member of the college and university community, Prof. Conway is a past Chair of the CUNY University Faculty Senate, and ex officio member of the CUNY Board of Trustees.


Distance Learning, Community Colleges, Business Methods, Access to Education


  • B.S. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Stern School of Business, Marketing,1982
  • M.B.A. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Stern School of Business, Finance,1987
  • Ph.D. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. , Administration, Leadership and Technology,2007

Courses Taught

BUS 210 (Business Methods)
FNB 300 (Investments)

Research and Projects

  • Professor Conway’s research focuses on student access to,  and success in, college.  She is particularly interested in student success in community colleges, non-traditional students and online learners.



Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2018) No time for college? An investigation of time poverty and parenthood. Journal of Higher Education. doi: 10.1080/00221546.2018.1442983

Hachey, A. C., Wladis, C., & Conway, K.M. (2018) What factors influence student decisions to drop online courses? Comparing online and face-to-face sections.  In A. Volungeviciene, A. Szűcs (Eds.), Proceedings of the EDEN 2018 Annual Conference. Genoa, Italy: European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), 99-107.

Wladis, C.W., Conway, K.M. & Hachey, A.C. (2017). Using course-level factors as predictors of online course outcomes: A multilevel analysis at an urban community college. Studies in Higher Education. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03075079.2015.1045478#.VaH90_l2OO0

Wladis, C., Hachey, A. C. & Conway, K.M. (2017) Online STEM and mathematics course-taking: Retention and Access, In A. Volungeviciene, A. Szucs (Eds.), Diversity Matters! Proceedings of the EDEN 2017 Annual Conference. Budapest, Hungary: European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), 296-305.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A. C., & Conway, K.M. (2017). Online STEM and mathematics course-taking: Retention and Access. In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Engelke Infante, M. Wawro & S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (San Diego, CA)

Wladis, C., Hachey, A. C. & Conway, K.M. (2016) Student characteristics and online retention: Preliminary investigation of factors relevant to mathematics course outcomes, In T. Fukawa-Connelly, N. Engelke Infante, M. Wawro, S. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Pittsburg, PA, 1442-1453.

Wladis, C.W., Conway, K.M. & Hachey, A.C. (2016).  Assessing readiness for online education – Research models for identifying students at risk. Online Learning Journal, 20(3).

Hachey, A. C., Wladis, C. & Conway, K.M. (2015).  Prior online course experience and G.P.A. as predictors of subsequent online STEM course outcomes, Internet and Higher Education, 25, 11-17.

Wladis, C.W., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2015). Which STEM majors enroll in online courses and why should we care? The impact of ethnicity, gender, and non-traditional student characteristics. Computers & Education, 87, 285-308.

Wladis, C. W., Hachey, A. C. & Conway, K. M. (2015). The online STEM classroom – Who succeeds? An exploration of the impact of ethnicity, gender and non-traditional student characteristics in the community college context. Community College Review, 43(2), 142-164.

Wladis, C.W., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M.  (2015). The representation of minority, female, and non – traditional STEM majors in the online environment at community colleges: A nationally representative study. Community College Review, 43(1), 89-114.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2014). An investigation of course-level factors as predictors of online STEM course outcomes.  Computers & Education, 77, 145-150.

Wladis, C., Conway, K.M., & Hachey, A. (2014). The Role of Enrollment Choice in Online Education: Course Selection Rationale and Course Difficulty as Factors Affecting Retention. Online Learning, 18(3). doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.24059/olj.v18i3.391

Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C.W. & Conway, K.M. (2014). Do prior online course outcomes provide more information than G.P.A. alone in predicting subsequent online course grades and retention? An observational study at an urban community college. Computers & Education. 72, 59-67. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.10.012

Wladis, C.W., Hachey, A.C., & Conway, K.M. (2013).  Are online students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses at greater risk of non-success? American Journal of Educational Studies. 6(1), 65-84.

Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C.W. & Conway, K.M. (2013) Balancing Retention and Access in Online Courses: Restricting Enrollment… Is It Worth the Cost?   Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 15(1), 9-36.

Hachey, A.C., Conway, K.M. & Wladis, C.W. (2013).  Community Colleges and Underappreciated Assets: Using Institutional Data to Promote Success in Online Learning. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 16(1), Spring.

Wladis, C.W., Hachey, A.C. &  Conway, K.M.  (2012). An Analysis of the Effect of the Online Environment on STEM Student Success, In S. Brown, S. Larsen, K. Marrongelle, & M. Oehrtman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, (Vol. 2, pp. 291-300). Portland, Oregon.

Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C. W. & Conway, K.M. (2012). Is the second time the charm? Investigating trends in online re-enrollment, retention and success. The Journal of Educators Online, 9(1), January 2012.

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C.W. & Hachey, A.C. (2011). Minority student access in the online environment.  HETS Hispanic Educational Technology Services Online Journal.  2(1), 52-77.

Conway, K.M., Hachey, A.C. & Wladis, C.W. (2011).  Growth of online education in a community college.  Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(3), 96-101.

Conway, K.M., John, G. & Stage, F.K. (2011).  Urban community college athletics.  Academic Exchange Quarterly, 15(2), 51-57.

Conway, K.M. (2010). Educational aspirations of students in an urban community college: differences between native and immigrant students.  Community College Review, 37(3) 209-242.

Conway, K.M.  (2009). Exploring persistence of immigrant and native students in an urban community college.   The Review of Higher Education, 32(3), 321-352.

 Book Chapters

Conway, K.M. (2017) Community College Developmental Mathematics.  In Stage, F. & Hubbard, S. (Eds.), Linking Theories to Practice:  Case Studies for Working with College Students. (4th ed.).  New York: Routledge.

Conway, K.M. (2017) Strategies when faced with declining enrollmentsIn Stage, F. & Hubbard, S. (Eds.), Linking Theories to Practice:  Case Studies for Working with College Students. (4th ed.).  New York: Routledge.

Conway, K.M. (2014) Critical Quantitative Study of Immigrant Students. In F.K. Stage & R. Wells, (Eds.), New Scholarship Using Critical Quantitative Research, Part 1: Studying Institutions and People in Context. New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 158. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Conway, K.M., Hachey, A.C. & Wladis, C.W. (2014). A New Diaspora: Latino(a)s in the Online Environment.  In Y. Medina and A. D. Macaya (Eds.). Latinos/as on the East Coast: A Critical Reader. NY, NY: Peter Lang.

Stage, F.K., John, G., Lundy-Wagner, V. & Conway, K.M. (2013). The Production of STEM Associate Degrees at Minority Serving Community Colleges. In R.T. Palmer & J.L. Wood (Eds.), Examining the Role of Community Colleges in STEM Production: A Focus on Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities. NY: Routledge.

Conway, K.M. (2012). Remediation at Downtown Community College. In Stage, F. & Hubbard, S. (Eds.), Linking Theories to Practice:  Case Studies for Working with College Students. (3rd ed.).  New York: Routledge.

Conway, K.M. (2012). Transfer problems at Southeastern Community College. In Stage, F. & Hubbard, S. (Eds.), Linking Theories to Practice:  Case Studies for Working with College Students. (3rd ed).  New York: Routledge.


Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C., & Conway, K.M. (2018).  What factors influence student decisions to drop online courses? Comparing online and face-to-face sections.  Paper presented at 27th EDEN Annual Conference, June, 2018, Genova, Italy.

Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C. & Conway, K.M. (2018). Attrition in Online versus Face-to-face Courses: Why are they leaving? American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, April 2018, New York, NY.

Hachey, A.C., Wladis, C., & Conway, K.M. (2018). Why do community college students drop out of online courses? A comparison with matched face to-face courses, Council for the Study of Community Colleges (CSCC) Annual Conference, April 28, 2018, Addison, TX.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2017).  No time for college? An investigation of Time Poverty and Parenthood.  Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education 42st Annual Conference, November, 2017, Houston, Texas.

Conway, K.M., Hachey, A.C. & Wladis, C. (2017).  Online attrition: Academic non-success or a fact of life?    Paper presented at the Online Learning Consortium Conference, November, 2017, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2017).  Do online course have lower completion rates? Evidence from Germany and the United States. Paper presented at 26th EDEN Annual Conference, June, 2017, Jonkoping, Sweden.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2017).  Differences in online versus face-to-face outcomes: Controlling for affective and “life” factors.  Paper presented at The European Conference on Education, June, 2017, Brighton, United Kingdom.

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C., & Hachey, A.C. (2017). Investigations of postsecondary online learning:  What the data reveal.  Paper presented at the Distance Learning Administration Conference, June, 2017, Jekyll Island, GA.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2017).  Online versus face-to-face course outcomes: Controlling for relevant student characteristics and specific course taken. American Education Research Association Annual Conference, April, 2017, San Antonio, TX.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M.  (2017). Comparing online and face-to-face courses: Is there a difference in outcomes for community college students?  Paper presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the Council on the Study of Community Colleges, April, 2017, Fort Worth, TX.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2017).  Online STEM and mathematics course taking: Retention and access.  Poster presented at the 20th Annual Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) Conference, February, 2017, San Diego, CA.

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C., & Hachey, A.C. (2017).  Retention and access in online mathematics and science courses. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Conference on European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME), February, 2017, Dublin, Ireland.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M.  (2016).  A preliminary study of students in online mathematics courses: Which student characteristics predict student retention and successful course completion, Paper presented at the American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges 42nd Annual Conference, November, 2016, Denver, Colorado.

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C.M. & Hachey, A.C. (2016). Time poverty and parenthood: Who has time for college? Paper presented at the 2016 Association for the Study of Higher Education, 41st Annual Conference. Columbus, OH. November 10th, 2016.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2016).  Educational research and evidence-based decision-making at community colleges: The Case of CUNY, Paper presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematics Education, July, 2016, Hamburg, Germany.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M.  (2016). Who succeeds online? Using student characteristics to predict online versus face-to-face attrition, Paper presented at the NSF Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice Symposium, April, 2016, Washington, D.C.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2016). Time Poverty and the college outcomes of student parents at community colleges, Paper presented at the Council for the Study of Community Colleges Annual Conference, April, 2016, Dallas/Plano, TX.

Conway, K.M., Hachey, A.C. & Wladis, C.M. (2016). Assessing readiness for online education – research models for identifying students at risk. OLC Innovate 2016, Online Learning Consortium, April 21st, 2016, New Orleans, LA.

Wladis, C., Hachey, A.C. & Conway, K.M. (2016).  Student characteristics and online retention: Preliminary investigation of factors relevant to mathematics course outcomes, Paper presented at the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) Conference, February, 2016, Pittsburgh, PA.

Conway, K.M., Hachey, A.C. & Wladis, C.M. (2016). What the Data Reveal: Results of Studies of Online Education.  Invited Presentation at Queens College Symposia, Spring 2016, Expanding Online at QC, The City University of New York, February 25th, 2016, New York, N.Y.

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C.W. & Hachey, A.C. (2014).  The role of enrollment choice in online education: Course selection rationale and course difficulty as factors.  Paper presented at the Council for the Study of Community Colleges 56th Annual Meeting, April 2014, Washington. D.C.

Hachey, A.C., Conway, K.M. and Wladis, C.W. (2014).   Examining outcomes in community college online STEM courses.  Poster presented at the CUNY C3IRG Pedagogical Research Design Workshop, January 2014, New York, NY.

Hachey, A.C., Conway, K.M. & Wladis, C.M. (2014). What The Data Reveal.  Invited Presentation at the City University of New York, University Faculty Senate Fall Conference on Online Education, November 21st, 2014, New York, N.Y.

Conway, K.M., Hachey, A.C. & Wladis, C.M. (2013). Investigating a new diaspora: Latinos/as in the online environment.  Paper presented as part of the panel on Latino/as and Education: New findings on East Coast diaspora at the Borough of Manhattan Community College Cross-Cultural Approaches to Latin@ Studies Conference, November 15th, 2013, New York, NY.

Wladis, C.M., Conway, K.M., & Hachey, A.C. (2013). Differences in Online Enrollment and Course Outcomes by Ethnicity, Gender, and Non-traditional Characteristics among Community College STEM majors.  Invited Paper presented at the AERA Education Research Conference, October 2013, Washington, D.C.

Wladis, C.M., Conway, K.M. & Hachey, A.C. (2013).   Differences in Online Enrollment by Ethnicity, Gender, and Non-traditional Characteristics among Community College STEM Majors. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, May 2013, San Francisco, CA.

Anderson, E. & Conway, K.M. (2012) The Changing Role of Faculty in Institutional Decision-Making.  Presentation at the American Association of University Professors Conference on the State of Higher Education, June 15th, 2012, Washington, D.C.

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C.W., & Hachey, A.C. (2012).   Minority Enrollments and Success Rates in Online Mathematics and STEM Courses.  Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan New York Section of the Mathematical Association of America, May 2012, New York, NY.

Conway, K.M., Wladis, C.W., & Hachey, A.C. (2012). Black and Hispanic Males in the Online STEM Environment. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual Black, Brown and College Bound Conference, Hillsborough Community College, March 2nd, 2012, Tampa, FL.

Stage, F.S., Lundy-Wagner, V.C., John, G. & Conway, K.M. (2012) Minority Serving Community Colleges and the Production of STEM Associate Degrees. Paper presented at the 2012 AERA Annual Meeting, April 2012, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Wladis, C.W., Conway, K.M. & Hachey, A.C. (2012). Are Online Students in STEM Courses at Greater Risk of Non-Success? Paper presented at the Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education Annual Conference, February 2012, Portland, OR.

Wladis, C.W, Conway, K.M. & Hachey, A.C. (2011). STEM Courses in the online environment: which courses are at risk of higher attrition?  Paper presented at the New York State Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges, Regional Conference, Suffolk County Community College.  November 19th, 2011. Brentwood, New York.

Hachey, A.C., Conway, K.M. & Wladis, C.M. (2010).  Who should be allowed to take online courses? The pros and cons of restricting online enrollment.  Paper presented at the American Association of University Professors Annual Conference on the State of Higher Educ., June 12th, 2010, Wash., D.C.

Conway, K.M. & Leppert, L. (2008). Improving Community College Graduation Rates: A New Model.  Paper presented at the 2008 Middle States Regional Forum of the College Board.  Atlantic City, NJ. February 13th, 2008.

Conway, K.M. (2007). Examining persistence among native born and immigrant community college students.  Paper presented at the 2007 Association for the Study of Higher Education, 32nd Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. November 9th, 2007.

Perez, A., O’Neil, E. & Conway, K.M. (1998).  Bellwether Award Finalist Presentation.  Presentation at the Community College Futures Assembly, Orlando, FL. March 2, 1998.

Honors, Awards and Affiliations

  • Co-PI, National Science Foundation, ECR-EHR Core Research award, Investigating Whether Online Course Offerings Support STEM Degree Progress. Award No. 1920599 ($974,649)
  • Co-PI, CUNY Interdisciplinary Research Grant program, Supporting Academic Achievement among Student Parents on Urban Campuses. ($39,976).
  • PI, William P. Kelly Research Fellowship, City University of New York, Does Unmet Financial Need Result in Time Poverty and Lower Academic Outcomes? 2019-2020. ($29,280)
  • Co-PI, National Science Foundation, EHR Core Research award, Can Student Characteristics Be Used to Identify At-Risk Online STEM Students, 2015-2018. ($719,108)
  • PI, CUNY Fellowship Award: Identifying Students at Risk for Non-Completion of Online Courses thru the Use of Online Readiness Surveys, 2014-2015. ($78,529)
  • Co-PI, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Research Award, funded by the NSF: Online STEM Students At-Risk: Building a Model of Online STEM Student Retention at the Community College, 2012-2014. ($25,000)
  • Co-PI, Community College Collaborative Incentive Research Grant (C3IRG) Award: An Investigation of Prior Experience and Course Type as Factors Affecting Online STEM Student Retention and Success, 2012-2013. ($15,000)
  • PI, PSC CUNY Research Award, Traditional A: Examining Minority Student Success in Online Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Courses, ($2,800)
  • PI, BMCC/CUNY E-Learning Grant: Access and Success: The Traditionally Underrepresented Student in Online Learning, ($4,000)
  • Fellowship in Experimental Economics for Community College Teachers, The Grantsmanship Center, 2007·

Additional Information