Man W. Lun

Associate Professor
Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice
Office: N-651Q
Office Hours:
Phone: +1 (212) 776-6983
Man Wai “Alice” Lun earned her BA and MS from Hunter College and her PhD in Social Work from Columbia University. Prior to her education, she lived for several years in Hong Kong. Prior to teaching at BMC, Dr. Lun worked in social service agencies in New York City. Her research interests include family caregivers, older Chinese Americans, educational gerontology, and long-term care policy and services. Dr. Lun’s research skills have been used in the practice-based setting through conducting a comprehensive needs assessment with an interdisciplinary team in a senior service program. As an educator, Dr. Lun bases her educational philosophy of the key elements of interaction, integration, and enhancement, united by care for her students’ growth as future social service professionals.
Family Caregiving, community-based interventions, older Chinese Americans, Educational Gerontology, Spirituality and aging
- Ph.D. Columbia University, Social Work
- M.S. Hunter College, City University of New York, Social Research
- B.A. Hunter College, City University of New York, Sociology
Courses Taught
- This course introduces students to the field of Human Services and the profession of Social Work. Those human services which deal with social and personal problems are explored as well as the knowledge base, the skills base and the values base of the social work profession. Students are exposed to the methods of working with people as individuals, in groups and on a community level. This course meets the requirements as a liberal arts elective in social science.
- The course is designed to train students in the use of helping skills and techniques utilized in the field of human services. Some of the areas covered in the course include interviewing and counseling, making referrals, assessment, group process and behavioral techniques. This course is open only to students enrolled in the Human Services curriculum. Pre-Requisite: HUM101
- This course provides students with a basic understanding of the interrelationships between the physical, intellectual, social and psychological aspects of the aging process in contemporary society. Problems particular to aging are explored as well as policies and programs which have been developed to deal with them.
- Students are placed for one day per week in human service settings where they learn first-hand about agency structure and function, the activities of human service professionals, and the application of human service skills. Settings include community centers, hospitals, family service agencies, community residences for the developmentally disabled, senior citizen centers, homeless shelters, child psychiatry clinics, etc. A one hour weekly class session reinforces the agency experience through case presentations and group discussion. This course is open only to students enrolled in the Human Services curriculum. Please note: This course has 1 hour lecture and 7 internship hours per week. Prerequisite: HUM 101 and [HUM 201 or Gerontology Major]
- This course follows the same format as HUM 301, Field Experience in Human Services I. Remaining in the same field placement, the student deepens his/her knowledge and strengthens his/her skills through continued practice and supervision. This course is open only to students enrolled in the Human Services curriculum. Please note: This course has 1 lecture hour and 7 internship hours per week. Prerequisite: HUM 301
Research and Projects
- Care Angel Educational Training
- Chinese family caregivers’ perception of program use and caregiver stress
- Life Story of Chinese American family caregivers
- College students and family caregiving
- Man Wai Lun (2022). College Students’ Experiences Providing Care for Older Family Members. Educational Gerontology, 48(3), 132-143.
- Man Wai Lun (2021). The Impact of Gerontological Education on Students’ Knowledge of Aging and Career Preferences. College Student Journal, 55(3), 243-248.
- Man Wai Lun and Melissa E. Gorton (2021). Multiple Social Roles and Role Transference: Lessons learned from a Chinese American Family Caregivers. Health and Social Work, hlab014,
- Man Wai Lun (2020). Informational Interview: Broadening Human Services Students’ Perception of Employment Opportunities in the Real World. Journal of Social Service Research, 46(1), 124-132. doi: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1532943
- Man Wai Lun (2020). Increasing Aging Competency: Using Self-Awareness of Aging Approach with Students. National Social Science Journal, 55(1), 1-5.
- Man Wai Lun (2019). Making Connections: Students’ Reflection on Aging Competency Approach in Gerontology Education. Educational Gerontology, 45(7), 444-453 doi: 10.1080/03601277.2019.1656863.
- Man Wai Lun (2019). The Effectiveness of a Life Story Program on Stress Reduction among Chinese American Family Caregivers of Older Adults. Educational Gerontology, 45(5), 334-340. doi:10.1080/03601277.2019.1622486
- Man Wai Lun (2019). From Education to Transformation: Lessons learned from Teaching in an Urban Community College. Social Work and Christianity, 46(1), 20-25.
- Man Wai Lun (2019). Chinese Family Caregivers’ Perception of Program Use and Caregiver Stress. Journal of Social Service Research, doi: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1514679
- Man Wai Lun (2018). Human Services Students’ Experiential Learning on Conducting a Life Story Research of Chinese American Family Caregivers. Educational Gerontology 44(5-6), 301-307. DOI: 10.1080/03601277.2018.1473129
- Man Wai Lun (2017). An Integrated Model of Gerontology and Geriatrics Distance Education. International Journal of Education and Ageing 4(1), 35-46.
- Man Wai Lun (2016). Culturally Competent Social Work Practice with Chinese and Korean Family Caregivers of Older Adults: Perspectives from the Field. Educational Gerontology, 42(6), 401-410.
- Man Wai Lun (2015). A Qualitative Study on Student’s Perception on Spirituality and Religion. Social Work and Christianity, 42(2), 178-192.
- Man Wai Lun (2012). Students’ Knowledge of Aging and Career Preferences. Educational Gerontology, 38 (1), 70-79.
- Man Wai Lun (2011). Student Knowledge and Attitudes toward Older People and Their Impact on Pursuing Aging Careers. Educational Gerontology, 37(1), 1-11.
- Man Wai Lun (2011). Exploring Formal Service Use by Older Chinese: A Case Study on Naturally Occurring Retirement Community. The Journal of Social Service Research, 37, 217-224.
- Man Wai Lun (2010). The Correlate of Religion Involvement and Formal Service Use among Community-dwelling Elders: A Explorative Case of Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC). The Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 29, 207-217.
Honors, Awards and Affiliations
- William P. Kelly Fellowship
- Chancellor Research Scholar
- BMCC Presidential Scholar Program
- BMCC Faculty Publication Program
- PSC-CUNY grant
- BMCC Faculty Development Grant
- Fellow of CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program
Additional Information