Maureen H. Keenan

Associate Professor
Music and Art
Office: F-1130J
Office Hours:
Phone: +1 (212) 220-1470
Bachelor of Music Performance, California State University Northridge
Master of Music Performance, State University of New York at Purchase College
Doctorate of Musical Arts, The City University of New York Graduate Center
Courses Taught
- Principles of Music is an introductory course in which musical elements, structures and styles are studied. Development of analytic abilities will be emphasized through consideration of major musical works by diverse composers from different eras of the Western Classical tradition. A wide variety of types and forms of music literature will be studied, including symphony, concerto, song, opera, etc. Students will attend a live musical performance. Credit will be granted for MUS 102 or MUS 103, but not both.
- MUS103 is an introduction to the music of European tradition and its relation to and influence on contemporary culture through a variety of listening experiences. The course will emphasize the place of music in society as well as influences by and on other cultures. Selected musical works, most dating from the 16th century through the present, are the subject of exploration. Credit will be granted for MUS102 or MUS103 but not both.
- This course will introduce beginning keyboard skills, reading and writing music in western musical notation, lead sheet symbols, basic music theory, and simple musical composition. Elements of rhythm and rhythmic notation will be approached through popular musical examples.
- This course is the first level of aural skills. Students will develop skills in sight-singing as well as rhythmic, harmonic, and melodic dictation.
Prerequisite: MUS 105 or MUS 123 - This course is the first level of a four-semester sequence in wind ensemble performance skills. Students will focus on the study, preparation, and performance of representative works of the standard and contemporary band and wind ensemble literature. Students are required to participate in all performances. Ensembles perform at least one concert per semester. Prerequisite: Permission of the department and admission is by audition
- This course is the second level of a four-semester sequence in wind ensemble performance skills. Students will focus on the study, preparation, and performance of representative works of the standard and contemporary band and wind ensemble literature. Students are required to participate in all performances. Ensembles perform at least one concert per semester. Prerequisite: MUS 501 or permission of department
- This course is the third level of a four-semester sequence in wind ensemble performance skills. Students will focus on the study, preparation, and performance of representative works of the standard and contemporary band and wind ensemble literature. Students are required to participate in all performances. Ensembles perform at least one concert per semester. Students at this level will be expected to take leadership responsibilities in the ensemble.
Prerequisite: MUS 502 - This course is the fourth level of a four-semester sequence in wind ensemble performance skills. Students will focus on the study, preparation, and performance of representative works of the standard and contemporary band and wind ensemble literature. Students are required to participate in all performances. Ensembles perform at least one concert per semester. Students at this level will be expected to take leadership responsibilities in the ensemble.
Prerequisite: MUS 503