BMCC Community,
I want to take this opportunity to announce that Anthony Watson, Executive Director of the Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center, has accepted the appointment of Acting Dean of Adult Continuing Education and Workforce Development (ACEWD) at BMCC. Mr. Watson will begin his role on February 8, 2021 and will continue to serve as Executive Director of the MEOC in addition to his new role as Acting Dean.

“I am extremely excited about this additional responsibility to lead and expand our footprint in education and workforce development for the people we serve,” Watson said. “BMCC’s Adult and Continuing Education & Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center divisions have done some amazing work over the years and I see that continuing, as well as growing. I look forward to the work ahead as we continue to deliver these much-needed services.”
As Acting Dean of ACEWD, Mr. Watson will work to develop and manage curriculum and training programs that are offered through the downtown campus located at 25 Broadway. In addition, Mr. Watson will be involved in cultivating program partnerships and courses offered at the CUNY in the Heights campus, which is set to open by Fall 2021.

Mr. Watson is a senior leader with nearly 20 years of expertise in advocacy, development, performance and talent management. He joined The State University of New York (SUNY) Manhattan Educational Opportunity Center (MEOC) in August of 2015. As the Executive Director of MEOC, he is responsible for the overall operations of the agency and oversees all departments, which also results in strategies that align comprehensive services for over 2,500 constituents in and out of the community.
In addition, Mr. Watson has shared his expertise on community building by serving on the boards of the Youth Action Programs and Homes, Inc., where he serves as the Chair for Governance and Board Recruitment Committee and the Harlem Commonwealth Council, where he holds the role of Board Chair. Mr. Watson has also been responsible for establishing partnerships to create the Employer-Driven Bridge Hospitality Training Program, focused on providing employment by the Marriot Hotel. The program coordinates training and employment resources with one of UMEZ’s anchor economic development projects, the Victoria Theater Redevelopment Initiative. This initiative is part of the revitalization of 125th Street and will create a 27-story tower with a 211-room Marriott Renaissance Hotel, 191-unit apartment building, retail space and cultural space for local non-profits. The Marriott Renaissance Hotel is expected to generate 58 full-time jobs to operate the hotel, tentatively scheduled to open during the second quarter of 2020. Mr. Watson’s experience in community organizations will be an asset as BMCC continues to cultivate community partnerships and develop new relationships across New York City and beyond.
Born in Harlem and raised in The Bronx, Mr. Watson is known as a driving force behind developing Workforce Development programs and has nearly two decades of experience overseeing and managing high impact youth and adult programs. His development efforts, over the years, have been instrumental in raising over $6 million to support programs and services that impact New York City.
Mr. Watson holds a Masters of Social Work, from Hunter College of the City University of New York, and a training certification in Seminar in Field Instruction.
Please continue to stay safe and healthy during this tremendous snowfall.
Anthony E. Munroe
President, Borough of Manhattan Community College