Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a learning assistance program that is designed to increase student retention through the use of collaborative learning techniques. The main format of SI is small group tutoring consisting of SI leader (Learning Assistant) and a maximum of five students per session hour. Students registered in a SI-supported course may attend as many SI study sessions as they choose, depending on space availability, Students may also register to attend SI sessions at specific times.
The SI leader will review the course material, provide test-taking and other course-specific learning strategies for improving individual student success in the class.
SI leaders are certified by academic departments and trained by SI coordinators and supervisors to ensure students receive the best SI help with their coursework. SI leaders attend three course lectures per semester, take notes, and read all assigned materials to prepare for student study sessions which they will conduct each week during the semester.
SI supported courses will include:
ACC 122, 222, 321, 330, 350, 360, 421, 430
BUS 104, 110, 210, 311
FNB 100
MAR 100
Computer Information Systems/Computer Science
CIS 100, 345, 395
CSC 110, 210, 230, 310, 330, 410, 430
Developmental Skills
*ACR 062, 075
CRT 100
ENG 101, 201, 300+
**MAT 008, 010, 011, 012, 041, 051, 056, 100, 104, 109, 114, 150, 160, 209, 214, 216
Modern Language
CHI 101, 102, 200, 210, 400
FRN 101, 102, 200, 2100
ITL 101, 102, 200
SPN 101, 102, 103, 200, 210, 400+
Multimedia Programming and Art
ART 100, 103, 110
MMP 100, 200, 220, 240, 260, 350, 460
AST 110
BIO 110, 210, 220, 240, 420, 425, 426
CHE 110, 118, 121, 122, 201, 202, 230, 240
ESC 113
HED 100
RTT 100, 101, 301, 302, 310, 320
PHY 110, 210, 215, 220, 225
SCI 120
Social Science
AFN 123
ECE 102, 201, 292, 301, 302, 401
ECO 100, 201, 202
EDU 201, 202
HIS 101, 102, 125
LIN 100
HUM 101, 201, 213, 411
POL 100
PSY 100, 200, 240, 250, 260
SOC 100
SPE 100, 102
Video Art Technology
VAT 100, 142, 171, 271, 301, MES 152, 153
*Tutoring for ACR 094 and 095 is available from the Reading Lab in room S-510E Reading Lab and S-510 Reading Center.
**Tutoring for Math courses is available from the Math Lab (S-535). On Fridays. Math tutoing is done in the LRC (S-510) from 4 – 7 PM.