Academic Appointments
Recommendations for candidates for full-time faculty appointments in an academic unit are initiated by the department or the appropriate departmental search committee. Recommendations are further made by the Provost and President to the CUNY Board of Trustees. Such recommendations include appointments for the following academic titles: professorial titles, such as assistant professor, associate professors, professor; lecturers, instructors, college laboratory technicians and substitutes.
Substitute appointments generally may be made for one semester or a 6 month equivalent, and may not be made for more than four (4) consecutive semesters. After the appointment of the fourth consecutive semester, the individual may not be appointed as a substitute for the next four (4) semesters. Service as a substitute will not count as service credit towards tenure or certificate of continuous employment. For more information please see the Substitute Settlement Agreement.
All untenured faculty in professorial titles, instructors, untenured college laboratory technicians, or lecturers that have not received their certificate of continuous employment are reviewed annually for reappointment by the appropriate Departmental P&B Committee and the College-wide P&B committee. Committee recommendations are made to the President, who then makes a recommendation to the CUNY Board of Trustees. Instructor titles are only eligible for 5 annual appointments before the attainment of a terminal degree in their discipline. The review is facilitated by the Office of Faculty Appointments.
Tenure and Certificate of Continuous Employment
Candidates eligible for reappointment with tenure or certificate of continuous employment are reviewed in the Fall semester prior to the September 1 effective date by the appropriate Departmental P&B Committee and the College-wide P&B committee. Committee recommendations are made to the President, who then makes a recommendation to the CUNY Board of Trustees. The review is facilitated by the Office of Faculty Appointments. Further information regarding tenure is outlined in the CUNY Bylaws.
Professorial titles
Assistant, Associate or full Professors who serve in such titles for seven full years continuously and have been appointed or shall be appointed for an eighth full year, shall have tenure effective on the first day of September following his/her reappointment for the eighth full year.
College Laboratory Technicians
Chief college laboratory technicians, senior college laboratory technicians and college laboratory technicians, who serve in such titles for five full years continuously, have been appointed or shall be appointed for a sixth full year, shall have tenure effective on the first day of September following their reappointment for the sixth full year.
Lecturers are eligible for a certificate of continuous employment on their sixth full‑time appointment in the title of Lecturer, immediately preceded by five years of continuous full‑time service in the title of Lecturer. In computing eligible time in service, such time shall commence with the first of September appointment.
Applications for promotion to full time associate professor, professor, as well as senior college laboratory technician are accepted once a year on or about November 1 and are reviewed in the Spring semester by the appropriate Departmental P&B Committee and the College-wide P&B committee. The committee recommendations are made to the President, who then makes a recommendation to the CUNY Board of Trustees. The application process and review is facilitated by the Office of Faculty Appointments. The president shall have the power to make an independent recommendation for promotion in any rank to the board, after consultation with the appropriate departmental committee and with the faculty committee on personnel and budget. In all instances no final action of departmental committees with regard to promotions shall be taken without consultation with the president. Further information is outlined in the CUNY Bylaws.