American Sign Language (ASL) is a language expressed by movements of the hands and face, used by approximately 500,000 Americans who are deaf or hard of hearing. Careers using sign language include being a sign language interpreter for individuals, groups, meetings, or classes. Sign language interpreters are needed in education, medical, legal, music, theater, and corporate settings. ASL is also a useful skill in teaching, social work, healthcare, general employment and social settings.
- American Sign Language 105 is a beginner course designed to develop skill in a form of manual communication used primarily by American-born deaf person in interpersonal (face-to-face) relations. The main objective is develop signed communication skills, comprehension skills, sign literacy and expressive skills, and develop a further awareness of culture of deaf and hard of hearing users of ASL.
- American Sign Language 106 is a second semester language course. The main objective is to improve signed communication skills, expand comprehension skills, increase sign literacy and expressive skills, and develop a further awareness of culture of deaf and hard of hearing users of ASL. Prerequisite: ASL 105