Modern Languages Elective

French books on a table

You can take Modern Languages courses as an elective. In the Liberal Arts, Early Childhood Education, Human Services and Sciences curricula. Two semesters of the same foreign language can be used as an elective.

In the Business Administration program curriculum, Modern Languages courses are considered as a Liberal Arts elective option.

Depending on their major, students are required to take two consecutive courses (must have departmental approval to skip a level). For literature level courses, students must either pass level 210 or 211 or score at literature level on the written placement test or have departmental approval. Courses may also be taken to satisfy the Liberal Arts elective requirement.

Native speakers of the language in question and students who have studied a language in high school should go to the Modern Languages Department for a placement test.

If you have any questions, please contact the Modern Languages office at

Modern Languages Dept.

199 Chambers Street, Room S-601
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212) 220-8105

Office Hours:
9 a.m.-5 p.m