The faculty handbook is intended to aid full-time and adjunct faculty in familiarizing themselves with the College, and finding information to help get started and continue their career at the college. This handbook should be used along with relevant college and university governing documents, and with other information the faculty member will be receiving from their department. This handbook is subject to the policies of the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York, and may be changed from time to time. The handbook does not supersede existing or future policies, regulations or policies implemented by the Board of Trustees or applicable city, state or federal law.
Expectations for Full Time Faculty
Full-time faculty are expected to strive for excellence in teaching, scholarship or creative activity, and service. Research and publication or creative activity are required for tenure and promotion; only publications in peer-reviewed and reputable outlets will count toward tenure and promotion. Service includes participating in the life of the college through departmental or college-wide committees.
BMCC’s highest priority is to improve student success, so faculty are particularly encouraged to develop effective pedagogy. BMCC’s student population is culturally and linguistically diverse, many of whom are the first in their families to attend college; research shows that our students benefit from active engagement both inside and outside the classroom.
All faculty are required to submit verification of attendance, final grades, and any other required information on time. All faculty are required to use their BMCC email and check it regularly. Faculty are encouraged to use the wide range of resources available to support academic excellence and to share their own expertise in the spirit of contributing to a vibrant learning community and to BMCC’s commitment to student success.