Meet some of our BMCC study abroad students. Coming from various majors, they have shared highlights from their experiences in new countries. All BMCC students on BMCC programs received the BMCC Association Scholarship. Read more about scholarship opportunities.

Assel Frolova, Mexico
Major: Business Administration
Course: Latin American & Caribbean Society (LAT 475)
Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
Scholarships: Gilman Scholarship and CUNY Chancellor Award
“I remember mornings and evenings with our host mom at the kitchen table when she either made hot chocolate drink for us in traditional way whipping it with molinillo (wooden whisk) and served it with conchas (typical Mexican sweet bread)… My Spanish improved, people were still surprised by how many words I knew off of that Duolingo app from my phone. My group and I have visited a lot of historical and archeological places like Monte Alban, Mitla – the city of the dead, with their rich history… Teotitlan with its local artisans and weavers, where we learned how to mix natural ingredients like cochineal, certain plants and even fruits like pomegranates with baking soda, lime juice or honey to get different vibrant colors for dyeing fibers and painting.”

Brandon Morales, Brazil
Major: History
Course: Latin American & Caribbean Society (LAT 475)
Location: Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Scholarship: Hostel International Explore the World Scholarship
“Attending a Candomblé ceremony was an eye-opening experience for me. I am not religious and often feel strange attending a religious ceremony. In this case, I felt cognizant that I was an observer, but felt wlcomed by the community. After the ceremony my group was able to meet with the leader of the house and learn more about the religion.”

Brittany Broderick, China
Major: Liberal Arts
Course: Chinese Civilization and Language (CHI 476)
Locations: Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai, China
“I benefited from studying in China by not only perfecting my Mandarin but having the ability to experience a culture different from my own. The experience deepened my love for Chinese history. My advice for students who are thinking of studying abroad would be to take advantage of the opportunity. It truly changes who you are as a person when you open yourself to new experiences. You begin to see the world and the people surrounding you in a different light.

Carlos Fernandes, Spain
Major: Modern Languages
Course: Hispanic Heritage (SPN 476)
Location: Oviedo, Spain
“For one month, the work was hard and intense. I improved my Spanish through readings, frequent writing, and experiential learning with visits around Asturias, the “Paraíso Natural”, bordering the Cantabrian Sea and mountains, the “Picos de Europa”. I enjoyed the most delicious, fresh, organic food with the famous local cider. I could not be more grateful for the excellent support and guidance of our professor who led the trip.”

Eric Day, Spain
Major: Modern Languages
Course: Hispanic Heritage (SPN 476)
Location: Oviedo, Spain
Scholarship: Gilman Scholarship
“What I love about the study abroad experience is that it gives you an opportunity to learn more than just language. It gives you an opportunity to learn about a culture that is not your own.”

Jason Bravo, Mexico
Major: Video Arts Technology
Course: Latin American & Caribbean Society (LAT 475)
Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
“Prior to our trip, all I really knew about Mexico was Puebla considering all of my family comes from there and from what I was told growing up the country did not have enough opportunities to keep various members of my family to stay. I’m happy to have been able to travel to Mexico for the very first time with BMCC. Learning about the indigenous history and push for preserving the culture and tradition, had made me appreciate the little things my family does back at home.”
Jason also traveled to South Korea with Brooklyn College

Jason Bravo, South Korea
Major: Video Arts Technology
Course: Multimedia Design and Production (VAT 271 for BMCC students)
Location: South Korea
Partner Study Abroad Office: Brooklyn College
“After returning from BMCC’s program in Oaxaca, I was able to embark on another adventure abroad studying film production at Dongguk University. Through the help of BMCC faculty, Professor Tassos Rigopoulos (Video Arts and Technology) and Professor Syreeta McFadden (English) I was accepted into the program with Brooklyn College. Here I truly learned what it meant to dive into a production and guide a team and eventually become the director of the project. Through many sleepless nights and constant shoots, I have been able really grasp an understanding on the process of conceptualizing a video and bringing it to life. Outside of the class I was able to build great relationships with students from Brooklyn College and students from various universities across Seoul.”

Khadijah Crippen, Brazil
Major: Sociology
Course: Latin American and Caribbean Society (LAT 475)
Location: Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
“I learned that I have more patience than I thought I had. This is a trip that I would encourage everyone to attend, if possible. I cannot explain it to people when I talk about it, not because it is difficult but because it was unbelievable.”
Laura Mejia, Mexico
Major: Bilingual Childhood Education
Course: Latin American & Caribbean Society (LAT 475)
Location: Oaxaca, Mexico
“People have stereotypes and misconceptions about places and others. I was not the exception. I had a wrong idea about Mexicans and being able to travel and share with them let me to the truth. I learnt that we have to consider all the stories of a place or person instead of minimizing them into a single one. Forget all the rumors you have heard about this. Take the risk and enjoy a place that is rich in art, food, history and diversity.”

Man Huang Ho, China
Major: Computer Science
Course: Chinese Civilization and Language (CHI 476)
Locations: Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai, China
Scholarship: Fund for Education Abroad
“I was surprised that China have better transportation than New York. Also, the high speed train was amazing.”

Mohammad Khan, China
Major: Financial Management
Course: Chinese Civilization and Language (CHI 476)
Locations: Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai, China
“I had never lived away from my family before, now I’m very confident that I can survive on my own. I could not have imagined traveling to a place totally different from ours, with limited language skills. However, I found out that I can thrive in new, unexpected circumstances, and it boosted my communication skills by speaking a new language—helping me further improve me self-confidence.”

Mia Adams, Japan
Major: Theater
Location: Japan
Partner Study Abroad Office: College of Staten Island
“I became interested in Japan as a child after falling in love with the Japanese anime character Sailor Moon. I was inspired to learn more about the language and culture and became interested in becoming an international entertainer. I began singing and acting using the little Japanese I learned from the shows I watched. My passion for the Japanese culture led me to decide to visit the country. The study abroad experience has helped me to gain a sense of independence as well as to clarify some of my career goals. I was able to meet two of the biggest Japanese entertainers who I have admired for many years.”

Mario Altamirano Jr., China
Major: Criminal Justice
Course: Hispanic Heritage (SPN 476)
Location: China
Partner Organization: Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program (U.S. Department of State)
“As a community college student, I was highly doubtful of actually getting a country- wide scholarship where talented students from all 50 states could potentially be chosen… I really couldn’t thank the Hunter Global Linkage Project enough for simply encouraging me and telling me about this amazing opportunity …”

Naomi Mackliff, Argentina
Major: Liberal Arts
Course: Latin American & Caribbean Society (LAT 475)
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
“I am Ecuadorian and have wanted to expand my knowledge of the history and culture of Latin America — Argentina was the perfect choice for me. The experience of studying abroad will stay with me forever. I have memories of practicing my Spanish speaking skills by interacting with local people and taking part in cultural activities such as visiting the large street fair in Mataderos.”
William Rivera, China
Major: Science
Course: Chinese Civilization and Language (CHI 476)
Locations: Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai, China
“Coming to China has been a real blessing to me, and has opened my eyes and heart in ways I did not expect. I experienced a mental and cultural paradigm shift during my visit, for the better. I’ve made a lot of new friendships, both with Chinese and with other BMCC students. This trip has also inspired me to continue to study Mandarin, with the goal of becoming fluent!”