About Public Safety

The Public Safety Department maintains 24-hour public safety coverage of the campus. The department consists of a director, a deputy director, five assistant directors/lieutenants, and a force of public safety officers including both campus peace officers (CPOs) and campus security assistants (CSAs). The campus peace officers carry the status of sworn New York State law enforcement personnel in accordance with Section 2.10, paragraph 79 of the New York State Criminal Procedure Law, with the power to make and process warrantless arrests and issue summonses. The campus security assistants (CSAs) are licensed New York State security guards with additional training provided by the CUNY Public Safety Training Academy. All public safety personnel are trained prior to assignment to the campus and receive in-service training on a regular basis.

The Department also makes use of contract security officers, who are also required to meet the strict state licensing requirements, on an as-needed basis.

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for the enforcement of all college rules as well as state and local laws. The department works closely with the Dean of Students relative to incidents and conditions affecting the student body.

The department also maintains a close relationship with the local police precinct and requests assistance when necessary. Information concerning crime and other pertinent data is shared on a regular basis.

Everyone at BMCC is encouraged to care not only for themselves, but also for each other. Freshmen receive a security briefing by members of the Department of Public Safety at student orientation to provide all students with information about the college and public safety services.

Other services and responsibilities of Public Safety:

Public safety personnel and other college employees, routinely perform checks of lights on campus that need repair. This information is submitted to the Buildings and Grounds Office for maintenance and repair.

Public safety personnel periodically take notice of shrubbery, doors and locks that require maintenance and submit the information to the appropriate department.

Educational Programs
The Office of Student Activities offers an integrated program of special events, workshops, courses, and research projects on wellness scheduled throughout the year. Campus peace officers in conjunction with other appropriate departmental representatives provide seminars on a host of topics: workplace violence, sexual awareness and responsibility, crime prevention/personal safety, domestic violence, and acquaintance rape. The college makes every effort to advise and update students about public safety procedures and security conditions on campus.

Referral Services
If you are a victim of a crime on or off campus or if you need help in dealing with any aspect of the criminal justice system, the Public Safety Office is available to refer you to the appropriate agency. The Public Safety Department has an excellent working relationship with the local NYPD 1st Police Precinct, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, the Criminal and Family Court Systems, and various victim services agencies.

The Department of Public Safety believes that it is better to prevent crimes than to react after the fact. A primary vehicle for accomplishing this goal is the department’s comprehensive crime prevention strategy. This strategy is based on a multi-layered approach that includes proactive campus patrols and crime prevention education and training. Additionally, the BMCC Security Advisory Committee, comprised of students, faculty, staff, administration, and public safety representatives meet regularly throughout the year to ensure concerns, questions, and recommendations are addressed. Campus peace officers in conjunction with other appropriate department representatives provide seminars on a host of topics, workplace violence, sexual awareness and responsibility, crime prevention/personal safety, domestic violence, and acquaintance rape. The college makes every effort to advise and update students about public safety procedures and security conditions on campus.

BMCC provides timely notice to the campus community and local police on crimes reported to the Department of Public Safety that are considered to be a threat to students and employees. The manner of notification depends upon the particular circumstance of the crime and may include means such as electronic mail, college publications, and the student newspaper.

The Public Safety Department also maintains a daily crime log making crime data readily available to the community.

Policies for Preparing the Annual Disclosure of Crime Statistics

As required by federal law, BMCC compiles yearly crime statistics for this report on a calendar-year basis in accordance with the definitions of crimes provided by the FBI for use in the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system. These statistics include the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by BMCC; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus.

These statistics are gathered from reported crimes to the public safety office/officers, crimes reported to other campus officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities, as well as those crimes reported to the local police precinct (1st Precinct). These statistics also include persons referred for campus disciplinary action for categories required under the Clery Act including liquor law violations, drug law violations, and illegal weapons possession.

View Crime Statistics

BMCC Public Safety

199 Chambers St, Lobby
New York, NY 10007
Phone: 212 220-8000 Ext. 7080
Email: safety@bmcc.cuny.edu

For all emergencies call Ext. 8080