Our Vote is Our Voice. Register to Vote.
CUNY Votes is a comprehensive, non-partisan initiative whose mission is to promote student voter registration, voter participation and voter awareness through campus based activities, external partnerships and University-wide campaigns.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines “voting” as the formal expression of a preference for a candidate for office or for a proposed resolution of an issue. Voting is the foundation upon which our democracy rests. The vote is our voice, and it should be used loudly and regularly. Use your voice. Vote!
Key Voting and Election Dates
2021 is an important voting year for our City. Save these dates so you don’t miss out on the opportunity to express your voice.
- Voter Registration Deadline for Upcoming General Election: October 8
- Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot by Mail, Email, Fax or Online: October 18
- Early Voting Period: October 23 – October 31
- Deadline to Postmark your Absentee Ballot: November 1
- General Election Date: November 2
Voter registration information and application forms are available at the website for The New York City Board of Elections.
Want to earn some extra cash and be directly involved in the democratic process? Become a Poll Worker
Want text or email reminders of deadlines, election dates and voter guides? Sign up with NYC Votes
Register to Vote
- NYS Voter Registration Form-CUNYfirst (log on)
- NYS Voter Registration Form (pdf)
- NYS Absentee Ballot Application (pdf)
Voter Education
Government Sources
- The Federal Election Commission Home Page
- State Board of Elections of the State of New York
- NYC Votes
- Who Represents Me?