About Us

Women's Resource Center staff

Our Mission

The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) supports and serves all BMCC students, staff and faculty with a focus on women identified students. Using intersectional feminisms and social justice, we provide programs, resources and advocacy for and about women’s experiences, gender equity, and gender based violence to empower all students in their academic, personal, and professional growth.  We encourage students to explore their identities, question societal norms and dismantle oppressive structures to create a more just and inclusive campus community and society.


Advocacy – Community – Empowerment – Learning – Respect – Sisterhood

The WRC is intentional with each of our events, programs and services; everything we do incorporates one or more of our six values which are the foundation of our work and philosophy.


The WRC envisions a socially just world where all women are seen and treated as equal members of society, free from patriarchy, violence, harassment, gender and racial discrimination, and inequality. We hope women and girls are able experience sisterhood and empowerment, reach their maximum potential, and be unapologetically themselves.