Women’s and Gender Studies Program

Women’s and Gender Studies Program

A collaboration between the Women’s Resource Center and various BMCC faculty led to the creation of a Gender and Women’s Studies program at BMCC. Professor Brianne Waychoff, Department of Speech, Communications and Theatre Arts, and Professor Amy Sodaro, Department of Social Sciences, Human Services and Criminal Justice, were instrumental in establishing this interdisciplinary major leading to an Associate in Arts degree.

Women’s Studies Project

At BMCC, WSP was started by Professors Cheryl Fish and Tricia Lin in the fall 2000 to provide an intellectual forum for those interested in scholarship and pedagogy of women’s and gender studies on our campus. The Women’s Studies Project (WSP) is a community of faculty and staff who teach, research, or administer in the field of women’s/gender studies – a complex discipline that draws participants from fields such as the humanities, sciences, social sciences, mathematics, business management, and so forth – at BMCC. WSP communicates across CUNY campuses to discuss and plan Women’s Studies at the university level.

The group continues to offer such a forum through reading groups, workshops, and roundtable discussions for faculty. Numerous scholars and activists have been invited to campus by the WSP since its inception. In 2000, WSP hosted a CUNY-wide colloquium, “Women’s Studies @ CUNY in the New Century.”

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Women’s HerStory Month
The Women’s Studies Project collaborates with the Women’s Resource Center to program events for students, including Women’s HerStory Month. BMCC’s annual Women’s HerStory Month includes an array of panels, films, live performance, and workshops.

Women's Resource Center

199 Chambers Street, Room S-340
New York, NY 10007
Email: wrc@bmcc.cuny.edu
Phone: (212) 220-8165

Office Hours:
9 a.m.–5 p.m