Groups and Workshops

The Counseling Center is excited to announce a new group and workshop program. Descriptions and logistics of the groups and workshops are on this page.


The BMCC Counseling Center is offering a series of online groups to address the needs of our students. All groups are led by licensed mental health professionals. Our groups are interpersonal process oriented, educational, and skills-based. Process groups do not follow a specific agenda, and are not focused on particular topics. Whereas, educational and skills-based groups follow a semi-structured format.

Each group is limited to 5-9 participants, who meet for 6-8 weekly sessions over the course of the semester. Each potential group member will go through a 20-30 minute pre-group screening session with one of the co-leaders.

Is Group Right for Me?

If any of the following apply to you on your personal development journey, then you may want to consider group.

  • Accountability, a group format is designed to keep you and others accountable to a personal plan and also offer support and guidance.
  • Working Together, often times student’s feel alone with their struggles. Group offers a space for students to work with their peers and the leaders to find ways to best address their concerns
  • Giving and Receiving Peer Support, group is designed to provide an opportunity for members to give and receive encouragement and feedback
  • Group is designed to provide a space for students to openly share without the fear of being judged.

How do I sign up?

If you are interested send an email to and request a meeting with one of the group leaders.

Below are our spring 2022 group offerings.

A Support Group for BMCC Parents: Real Talk, Real Support, Real Parenting

This group is to help normalize the challenges that come along when trying to complete education while being a parent. You will have peer support as well as professional feedback and resources.

Counselor: Ms. Santos and Mr. Brown
When: Wednesdays, 2 – 3 p.m.

Our Black Voices

This group is designed for Black people across the diaspora (Africa, the Caribbean, United States, Latin America and around the world). The group offers a space to breathe with some ease in knowing you are not alone, and collectively grieve injustice and celebrate Black Excellence. Group leaders will assist members with the development of daily practices to encourage self-care and self-love even in the midst of chaos.

Counselor: Dr. Mack and Ms. Desert
When: Wednesdays, 2:15 – 3:15 pm

Body & Mind: A Wellness Group for BMCC Students

Body and Mind is a wellness group that addresses health concerns, especially longstanding or chronic conditions, that can interfere with achieving educational goals. The Body and Mind group is a safe, confidential space to obtain support, gain insight, and learn valuable skills for life. We will focus on stress reduction, problem-solving, and evidence-based strategies for making small changes to improve your health.

Counselor: Ms. Peterson
When: Wednesdays, 2 – 3 p.m.

Support Group for Asian-identified students

This is a safe space for Asian-identified students to come together and provide support for each other.  We acknowledge our past and current difficulties as a community.  Please come to share, listen, and gain strength and healing as a group.  It is led by two Asian-identified counselors.

Counselor: Dr. Cheng and Ms. Siew
When: Fridays, 3 – 4 p.m.

First Generation College Student Empowerment Group: We Belong Here

Are you the first in your family to attend college? Do you feel alone trying to navigate academic responsibilities and family expectations? Are you facing other challenges that may impact your academic performance?  Would you like to shift your mindset and be surrounded by your peers with similar circumstances, and learn new skills that will last you a lifetime? Well then, look no further. Join us on your journey toward academic success and personal well-being. 

Counselor: Dr. Mack and Ms. Kumar
When: Thursdays, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

LGBTQ+ Students: Connecting and Supporting Each Other

This is a safe and confidential group for BMCC LGBTQ+ identified students. Come and talk about different ways to navigate the coming out process, relationships, intersectionality, and rejection/discrimination experiences. The group will be offered by two LGBTQ+ identified counselors.

Counselors: Dr. Borrero-Bracero and Dr. Ojerholm, Ph.D.
When: Thursdays, 2 – 3 p.m.

Managing Your Anxiety: CBT Group for Anxiety

Is anxiety getting in the way of your academic success and/or general well-being? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) works to target thoughts that trigger emotions, such as anxiety. CBT is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety. In this group, you will learn about what CBT is, how it works, and how to use it in your everyday life to manage anxiety.

Counselor: Dr. Cheng and Mr. Rayman
When: Mondays, 2 – 3 p.m.

Women of Courage

This group is designed to nourish the individual and collective experiences of women. It is a confidential, interactive space, for self-discovery, compassion, and connection. It is intended to offer non-judgmental support and guidance.

Counselors: Dr. Mack and Dr. Burger
When: Mondays, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.


BMCC Counseling Center also offers Fit Mind Workshop Series. These are usually 1 hour informative sessions on topics that may help you achieve success. They are offered only one or two times in the semester.

The counseling staff have a range of expertise to help make your academic career as successful as possible. We are eager to share these expertise with BMCC students.

You can see the upcoming Fit Mind workshops on the homepage of the Counseling Center under “Upcoming Events” as well as on the central BMCC web calendar.