CIS 200 Qualifying Exam

The CIS 200 Qualifying Exam is for students who would like to take CIS 200: Introduction to Systems and Technologies (equivalent to Baruch’s CIS 2200)

Prerequisite for CIS 200 course

(1) Any ACC or BUS course and passing score on the CIS 200 Qualifying Exam


(2) Any ACC or BUS course and CIS 100 course

Note: Students may only sit for the CIS 200 Qualifying exam one time (there is no retest). Students who have completed prerequisite (2) will not need to take the CIS 200 Qualifying Exam. It is important to plan with your Academic Advisor to take the CIS 200 Qualifying Exam early in your degree program to avoid delay in graduation should you need to satisfy prerequisite (2) due to not passing the exam.

What does the CIS 200 Qualifying Exam cover?

The CIS 200 Qualifying Exam fact sheet has details on exam topics, number of questions, passing points and more.

Remote testing for the CIS 200 Qualifying Exam

BMCC Testing Office is offering remote testing for the CIS 200 Qualifying Exam via Zoom. We ask that students interested in testing remotely review the information below to confirm technology requirements, get prepared for the exam, and for how to request an appointment.

What rules and policies should I be aware of for the exam?

CUNY Legal Affairs outlines CUNY’s Academic Integrity policy which prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty with penalties including suspension or expulsion from CUNY. Students are required to read and acknowledge the CUNY Academic Integrity policy prior to testing. Please click here to review the policy.

Technology requirements

Students must meet system requirements to run the exam. Please review these steps to check your system meets requirements before requesting your test appointment.

Exam preparation

The CIS200 Qualifying Exam is designed to measure that you are proficient in MS Office 2016 Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point applications. We highly recommend preparing for the exam by using these study resources.

Requesting a test appointment

Step 1: Review and confirm that your computer meets the technology requirements.

Step 2: This exam can only be taken once (no retest). Please review the study resources to prepare.

Please make sure you’ve completed the above steps before requesting a test appointment.

Step 3: When you are ready to take the exam, fill out this appointment request form.

Students who require testing accommodations (e.g. extended time, readers/scribes, etc.) must contact the Office of Accessibility to arrange the exam appointment.